报告人:刘艳(澳大利亚昆士兰大学 讲席教授)
In our paper entitled Modelling urban change with cellular automata: contemporary issues and future research directions” published in Progress in Human Geography (2019), we identified a number of challenges and also pointed to give research directions that we call for concerted efforts. Five years have passed since then, so in this seminar I want to report on a number of progresses that we have made in our small research lab – the UQ STAR Lab – with a focus on addressing the multi-dimensional urban change processes, including urban/rural development, vertical urban growth, infill development and climate gentrification processes.
刘艳教授是澳大利亚昆士兰大学地理信息科学讲席教授,博士导师。曾担任昆士兰大学地球与环境科学学院副经理及昆士兰大学社会科学研究所研究员。她的研究集中于城市问题及计算城市科学,包括城市分析、地理空间建模和元胞机模拟、GIS和空间大数据分析及其在空间规划、政策分析和空间综合人文社会科学研究中的应用等。刘艳教授目前担任IGU Applied Geography Commission执行委员、澳大利亚国家研究理事会专家委员会专家委员、澳大利亚城市科学研究基础设施网(AURIN)的科学顾问。她同时担任国际期刊《Environment and Planning B》编委,《Computational Urban Science》副主编等。